of jars, thorns, and grace

“The gospel tells us that our belovedness will never change according to our wanderings. But our belovedness is intended to change our wanderings.”

—Jay Stringer

June 28, 2024

2 Corinthians is a letter that deals with difficulty and suffering. The apostle Paul had opponents who claimed that his extensive suffering proved that he was not in fact a legitimate apostle of Christ. But Paul, having been transformed by the grace of God in Christ demonstrated that his suffering was actually proof positive that he was in fact completely dependent on Christ, and that the strength and grace of Christ was sufficient.

Paul highlights this by describing the gospel as a treasure contained with a jar of clay, to show that the surpassing power and glory belonged to God and not the messenger through which the message was communicated. Jars are breakable, and the earthly bodies of God’s servants are subjected to suffering, difficulties, and frustrations — but God does word does not return void. Death may be at work in the people of God, but if they are in Christ then life is at work (2 Cor. 4:12).

Not only do our frail jars-of-clay bodies experience suffering and difficulty in a fallen world, there are other specific sufferings that we can be handed as God’s people. Paul makes much warning in his first letter to the Corinthians about being “puffed up” (cf. 1 Cor. 4:6, 8:1) or the related Greek word translated as “arrogant” (cf. 1 Cor. 4:19, 5:2, 13:4). And in order to guard against being conceited or too puffed up, making too much of oneself, Paul was gifted a thorn to humble him in ministry. He has seen wondrous works of God, but he had also suffered much. This suffering, this thorn that God gifted him was part of his sanctification and humility–in which Paul was reminded over and over again that God’s grace is sufficient for him, and God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). 

God in his kindness allowed for and ordained some sufferings for his people that his grace might sustain them in the hardship. Our God takes even what feels painful and terrible and makes it work to his glory. It is to his glory that we are jars of clay pricked with thorns, to be instructed in humility but to be sustained by his grace, power, and mercy. This is the power and the goodness of the gospel of Christ. That what we are is not yet what we will be, and that be his grace we will be sustained but ultimately transformed. For his glory and our good.

In Christ, 
John D


—Congregational Meeting 7/28/24
Immediately following the conclusion of worship on Sunday, July 28 we will have a congregational meeting for the purpose of electing 3 men (Nathan Harlan, Brady Hillegas, and Dave Felton) to the office of deacon.  It is your right as a congregation to have a 30 day notice for this, which the session of Mercy is giving you according to the outline of our Book of Church Order. If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the candidates or the process please don’t hesitate to let the session know.

—New Website!
Please note that we have a brand new website thanks to the yeoman’s effort put forth by Brian Riedel! He has worked tirelessly for a significant length of time to make sure that we have a functional and aesthetic presence on the internet. On our website you can continue to give, listen to past sermons, see our bulletins, see a calendar of events, and more. Please thank Brian the next time you see him!

—Summer Study of Ecclesiastes 
We will embark on a summer study through the book of Ecclesiastes beginning Sunday, June 23 at 5pm. This study will run for 10 consecutive weeks through the summer and will be located at the Downs’s home. We will eat a meal starting at 5 and begin our study promptly at 6pm. 

—Songs for Sunday
Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics!
Psalm 24 (to the tune of Approach My Soul The Mercy Seat)
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah 
It Is Well With My Soul
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
All Glory Be To Christ 

These are some links that I have read recently that I enjoyed, found helpful, made me think, or otherwise did good for my soul/heart/mind. 

Praying When I Don’t Feel like It

Preaching the Gospel to Yourself 

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