“Christ’s atoning work does not change God’s wrath to love, for God’s love is itself the source of the atonement.” —George Eldon Ladd |
January 2, 2025 As it was announced, and as you can see from the property update on our website, we have exceeded our goal of raising $60k in order to move toward the purchase of the Rock Family property! This is wonderful and momentous news, and a great testimony to God’s faithfulness and your intentional generosity. Below you will see a brief overview of what the next steps are regarding this building, including remaining money that still needs to be raised. But in the meantime we need to be reminded of something: that as glorious as this opportunity is we still need to hold onto it loosely. Our primary goal as God’s people is not to seek our own agenda and interest, but to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Mt. 6:33). What is being invested is not simply a building, but rather a framework of ministry. A promise that the kingdom of God will advance through his promised means of the preached word and visible sacraments. That God’s people have a place to gather, to be formed, and from whence they can be sent out on mission into the world to make disciples of all nations. And as glorious as all that might sound we need to remember that whatever building we purchase might be lost — it could burn down, be repossessed, destroyed by an asteroid, or any number of other potential incidents. But what cannot be lost is the sanctification, the maturity, the growth, and the courage it took to sacrificially give and invest in what God is doing in and through our Church. The true investment that we have made is in our own sanctification, dying to ourselves, and growing in faithful generosity. As we have sought to be sacrificial in our giving we are declaring that Jesus is Lord and he is worthy of sacrificing for and investing in. Our treasures from this life will rust, be eaten by moths, and finally destroyed. Our bodies which enable us to work and earn will eventually expire and decay. Whatever building(s) that may or may not be purchased will crumble, collapse, and be burned up in the final day (if not before). But what we have in Christ can never be lost. Well done good and faithful servants. Let us not grow weary in doing good. Thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ, and what our God is doing in and among you! In Christ, John D |
—Property Next Steps Here’s a general overview of how we are proceeding forward. Phase 1: September 2024 – January 2025 Secured first half of down payment ($250k) through congregational giving of $60k by December 31st Vote to purchase property at congregational meeting on January 19 Phase 2: February 2025 – February 2026 Secure second half of down payment ($250k) through sale of property and congregational giving by February 2026 Maintain monthly mortgage payment ($3,500) Phase 3: February 2025 – February 2029 Maintain monthly mortgage payment Save for final balloon payment in 2029 Phase 4: February 2029 Secure final balloon payment ($413k) through savings, giving, and/or commercial financing —Songs for Sunday Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics! Nothing But The Blood From The Depths Of Woe Psalm 2 How Deep The Father’s Love For Us Jesus Paid It All |
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