“The doctrines of grace humble a man without degrading him and exalt a man without inflating him.” —Charles Hodge |
October 25, 2024 We are continuing to prayerfully and logistically move forward with the prospective property. As mentioned last week we need to raise at minimum 60k by the end of the calendar year to move forward. To this end we are continuing in a season of spiritual formation shaped by intentional generosity and sacrificial giving. This season is designed for two things: one, to raise necessary funds to be able to move forward with the purchase of the property. But secondly, and possibly of greater importance, to form us more into the image of our Lord and Savior. To grow us in our discipleship, to challenge our hearts, to give us a vision for what it might look like to be radically generous as God’s people. I would implore you to prayerfully consider how much you might give (the best way to give right now would either be with a check, designated for the building fund, or if you prefer online you can give through the PCA Foundation and designate the gift for the building fund ). But it’s even more about becoming the people who God would have us to be as his disciples. As we consider the kind of people God is calling us to be I would encourage you to pray this week with respect to doctrine leading towards doxology. Part of our vision statement is celebrating the gospel — particularly the gospel of Jesus Christ. This means that our celebration of the gospel has very particular doctrinal substance — the person and work of Jesus. And as I have said before and will continue saying as long as I’m alive, learning doctrine for the sake of doctrine is not the vision of the Christian life. Indeed, it’s a deeply impoverished picture of the Christian life. Our doctrine ought to lead us into doxology. Put differently, our beliefs ought to lead us into worship. The more we learn about who God is and what he has done for us in Christ the more we ought to grow in worship toward him. ![]() Prayer Schedule This prayer schedule and framework is built around our mission statement of “Celebrating the gospel of Jesus Christ in worship, community, and mission”. For the week of October 27, please consider praying in and through the framework of “the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Here’s what that might look like: Individually in your own time of private or family worship, or in prayer and fellowship groups, spend time reflecting on “the gospel of Jesus Christ,” that we might grow in both doctrine and doxology. — Pray for an increased desire to grow in doctrinal knowledge — Psalm 1 — Pray for an increased heart of worship in responding to Jesus — 2 Peter 3:18 — Pray for an increased affection for the person and work of Christ — Prayerfully reflect on the offices of Christ — Isa. 9:6–7 — Thank Jesus for his kingly office — Ps. 110 — Ask that Jesus would rule and lead his Church — Ask that Jesus would protect us from outside evil and restrain our own sin and evil — Thank Jesus for his prophetic office — 1 Pet. 1:10–12 — Ask that Jesus’s word would guide, guard, and inform our Church — Ask that Jesus’s Word would challenge and comfort us as a church — Thank Jesus for his priestly work — Heb. 7:24–25 — Ask that Jesus would continue interceding for you and for our church — Ask that you would be more convinced of Jesus’s atoning death for your sins — Thank Jesus for effectual calling — 2 Tim. 1:9 — Pray that you would understand and live out of your justification by faith in Christ — 2 Cor. 5:19, 21 — Thank Jesus for your adoption — John 1:12 — Pray that you and our church would grow in sanctification — Eph. 4:23–24 — Pray that you and our church would grow in assurance — Rom. 5:1–2 — Other Scriptures to consider: 1 Tim. 2:5–6, John 1:14, Gal. 4:4, Heb. 2:14, Eph. 2:8 Praising God for how he is already working in and through you as a body! In Christ, John D For those who like a bigger picture here are the remaining 9 weeks at a glance: November 3, 2024 — celebrating through public worship November 10, 2024 — celebrating through private, personal worship November 17, 2024 — celebrating in and through public community November 24, 2024 — celebrating in and through personal/ small scale community December 1, 2024 — celebrating in and through public mission December 8, 2024 — celebrating in and through personal mission December 15, 2024 — celebrating and cultivating generosity December 22, 2024 — celebrating and cultivating sacrifice December 29, 2024 — giving up what we cannot keep to gain what we cannot lose |
—Property Committee Update 1) We continue to work on terms of sale with the seller 2) Have further explored the opportunity to include the day care property in the purchase and the committee believes that it is in the best interest of Mercy to do so for both opportunities it presents but also to control the property and avoid it being sold to an incompatible entity. 3) We are working to identify a legal firm to develop a formal contract 4) We are continuing to prayerfully consider what kind of people God is calling us to be in this season of intentional generosity and sacrificial giving —Prayer and Fellowship Groups We’ve been trying to increase our connection, relational intimacy, spiritual depth, and church fellowship through prayer and fellowship groups. We are going to start another round of them with new and different hosts, so if you are interested in hosting or you haven’t been able to connect with a group please let the elders know and we’ll make sure to get you connected! —Songs for Sunday Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics! In Tenderness From The Depths Of Woe Psalm 51 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Jesus Paid It All |
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