missions minded

“Missions is not so much going somewhere as it is in following Someone.”

—Tim Keesee

December 7, 2024

Everybody has a mission. The real question then is how intentional is your mission, and where is your mission going to take you? Our culture tends to paint an exceedingly small and myopic view of mission for most people: live your life, be who you really are, be authentic, be real, be true to yourself, follow your heart, do what you’ve always wanted to and throw off the shackles that have been placed on you. And this mission, regardless of how intentional it is or not, is only going to end up in one place — with you. For whatever good you can muster in this life, or ill, that mission ends with your sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. And that’s terrible news. Particularly because Christians believe that apart from Christ, all suffer from eternal condemnation — no matter how successful their lives on Earth had been. 

But for Christians, people for whom Christ shed his blood and purchased at the cost of his own life, we have an entirely different mission. Often times it’s summed up in these verses at the end of Matthew’s gospel “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them min the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that pI have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Mt 28:19–20). Our mission is all about the Triune God who made us, redeemed us, and sent us out. Who He is. What He has done and taught. What He is yet to do. It’s for Him. Through Him. In Him. Until Jesus comes back and makes all things new, our mission is to witness to who God is, to what he has done for us in Christ and applied to us through the Holy Spirit.  To live as he taught us, empowered by his own Spirit.

That means our mission is to both gather and go. When we gather together for worship we are shaped by the Word of God — singing, preaching, praying. We see the Word, just as Jesus became flesh and dwelt among his people, we see the Word through the sacraments of baptism and communion rightly administered. And we are continually shaped by the Word as a Church, because we labor to live in light of the reality of who God is and what God’s Word teaches us to do, knowing that if we stray from that we are subject to the discipline of the local church.

But we also have a mission as we go from there. Every single person who is following Jesus has the obligation and opportunity to bear witness to who God is and what God has done for them in Christ through the Holy Spirit. And lest you think your mission ends with your testimony, you are wonderfully mistaken! We are called to live as becomes followers of Christ, which means we follow what his Word says — so another element of your mission is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And also to love your neighbors as yourself. Jesus tells us that this sums up all the teaching of the Law and Prophets. 

Gallons of ink have been spilled over centuries particularly outlining how this witnessing and loving mission of Christians practically plays out, and I cannot add to it here. Suffice to say we have a mission, and the more we want to be on it, the more we have to know the One who made us, redeemed us, empowered us through His Spirit, and sent us out. Consider how your God is calling you to love him and love your neighbors this week!

Prayer Schedule 

For the week of December 8, please consider these prompts to pray:
Pray that you would love God will all your heart, soul, mind, and strength 
Luke 10:27

Confess ways in which you do not love God, repent, and ask for the Spirit’s help to love Him more
Eph. 2:121 Thess. 1:9

Pray that this love for God also move you to love your neighbor as yourself 
Matt. 22:39

Pray for opportunities to bear witness to who God is and what he has done in your life
Luke 21:13

Pray for wisdom on tangibly showing love to your neighbors
Galatians 5:14Romans 15:2Romans 13:10

Ask that the Spirit would give you a big vision for God’s mission and purpose

Pray that you would not doubt God’s goodness nor power as He sends you on mission

Pray for opportunities to meet and talk with your neighbors

Pray for opportunities to invite neighbors to church

Pray for creativity when it comes to going on mission, and fulfilling the Great Commission

Pray for boldness
Thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ, and what our God is doing in and among you!

In Christ, 
John D

For those who like a bigger picture here are the remaining 4 weeks at a glance:
December 8, 2024 — celebrating in and through personal mission 
December 15, 2024 — celebrating and cultivating generosity 
December 22, 2024 — celebrating and cultivating sacrifice  
December 29, 2024 — giving up what we cannot keep to gain what we cannot lose


—Property Update
There are not a ton of specifics to report, but everything is moving in the right direction. Here’s where we’re at:

1. We’re still ironing out the memorandum of understanding with RFC and eventually will create a legal contract

2. We still need to have a congregational meeting to officially receive a recommendation to purchase RFC and then to vote on that, most likely in January

3. RFC is still working out their logistics of reincorporating, but everything is moving in the right direction  

—Lessons and Carols December 22
We will be celebrating an evening of Lessons and Carols at Rock Family Church on Sunday, December 22 from 5:30-7:30. There will be Scripture readings, Christmas hymn singing, and wonderful fellowship. We would ask everyone to bring some kind of appetizer or dessert to share. Please contact Tina if you have any questions!

—Service Opportunity at Compass Women’s Center
The Director of Compass Women’s center asked if Mercy Church would possibly be willing to help them move some equipment from Pineview drive to their place on Donn Knots blvd.  We are helping them on Tuesday, December 17 in the evening. Please let Nathan Harlan (304-276-3419) know if you are able to help.

—Songs for Sunday
Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics!

Psalm 24 (to the tune of Approach My Soul The Mercy Seat)
Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery
Psalm 2
O Holy Night
Jesus Lives And So Shall I
Let the Feminist Mock: Find Your Worth in Christ
Marks and Mission of Christ’s Church
Protestant Futures and Friendships

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