“Every man should keep a fair-sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his friends.” —Henry Ward Beecher |
October 4, 2024 “It is true that if these Hobbits understood the danger, they would not dare to go. But they would still wish to go, or wish that they dared, and be shamed and unhappy. I think, Elrond, that in this matter it would be well to trust rather to their friendship than to great wisdom.” In the above quote from the Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo and company are preparing to embark on their journey to destroy the one Ring. In this process Frodo’s friends (Merry and Pippin) wish to accompany him. But resisting this impulse is the great elf-leader Elrond, who thinks that instead a few more small and unimpressive hobbits it would be wiser to take more impressive figure to guard, guide, and protect. But over and against this seemingly reasonable wisdom — after all, when embarking on a dangerous journey why would you not want someone big and strong and fierce and capable — Gandalf opts to support the notion that Frodo to take his friends, small and unimpressive as they may appear in the eyes of the world. Friendship, as it turns out, will be a deeply sustaining and supportive attribute for the companions as they discharge their promise to carry the Ring to Mordor. More so than the strength of swords, it will be the deep well of friendship between seemingly weak and unimpressive characters that proves pivotal in their success. Likewise, disciples of Jesus ought to opt for friendship rather than the wisdom of the world in their journey through the Christian life. A perhaps under-examined element of our relationship with Jesus is that he indeed calls us friends (John 15:15). This in no way diminishes the divine nature of Christ, but should serve to elevate the fact that our God in Christ walks with us, journeys with us, abides with us as we are united to him by virtue of his indwelling Spirit. In this, we have a companion, a counselor, a friend when life is difficult and we have trouble. Closely connected to the friendship we have with Christ is the fact that Jesus is our great high priest who even now intercedes for us. Gentle and constant, yet powerful is our Friend and Redeemer. Jesus is our friend, not because we have shared interest nor mission, but because God in his great mercy lavished his love upon us in Christ and chose us in him before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:1-3). As such, we were reconciled to him by his shameful and ignoble death — surely folly in the eyes of the world. Who would want to be friends with someone so easy defeated? But what is wise in the eyes of the world is often folly in a Kingdom paradigm. And Christ became weak for us, while we were enemies, so that he might die in our place to reconcile us to himself as friends. And as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil because our friend dwells with us and will bring us home to himself. We can understand the danger of a fallen world and our own sin, and journey on until glory because our friend walks with us. And we with him, by grace through faith. In Christ, John D |
—Thank You Mercy Church, from the Shirak family The Shirak family would like to express their heartfelt thanks to the Mercy family. They are overwhelmed with gratitude for the over the top gifts. Each one is so appreciated. Thank you! —Informational Meeting After Church Sunday The Property Committee would like to hold an informational meeting following the service on October 6th. We will share pertinent details and address questions about the opportunity to purchase the Rock Family Church Property to help inform the congregation as we move through this process. —New Members Class Starting October 6 If you are interested in pursuing membership at Mercy Church, our next new members class will begin on Sunday, October 6. The class runs for 6-8 weeks during the Sunday school hour. —Songs for Sunday Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics! All Creatures Of Our God And King Psalm 20 (to the tune of How Firm A Foundation) His Mercy Is More Blessed Assurance How Sweet And Awesome Is The Place |
I got nothing this week. If you have anything interesting, send it my way please. I’d like to read it. |
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