property committee recommendation

“We do have a responsibility to make wise decisions or to discover the will of God, whichever term we may prefer to use. But God’s plan for us is not contingent upon our decisions. God’s plan is not contingent at all. God’s plan is sovereign. It includes our foolish decisions as well as our wise ones.”

—Jerry Bridges


The Mercy Church Property Committee met last night and voted to formally recommend that we purchase the Rock Family Property. Here is their official motion that will be put before the church Sunday:

“As the Property Committee, we recommend to the congregation of Mercy Church to purchase the RFC property under the terms listed in the purchase agreement and MOU, and also to sell the Pleasant Hill property within one year at the best possible price. Upon purchasing the property, the Property Committee is hereby dissolved with thanks.”

This means that a positive vote on Sunday will do three things:

1. We will purchase the RFC property
2. The trustees will work to sell the Pleasant Hill property for the best price that they can get
3. The property committee will be dissolved, with thanksgiving from the Congregation 

This recommendation came from many hours of conversation, research, deliberating, and most importantly prayer. Because this is such a weighty and significant decision upon which we will vote as a congregation, attached in the weekly email are three key documents that you might review so as to make an informed vote. 

This first document is an annotated (explained) budget that has already been approved by the session and will be presented at the congregational on Sunday. This budget was put together with the idea that we would vote to purchase the RFC property and it shows that we currently have the financial strength to make this purchase. Please review it and note any questions you might have.

This document is the purchase agreement to buy the whole property. One of the most important details on this document answers the question “What if we cannot sell our land within the next 12 months?” The language answering that question in the purchase agreement is as follows:

“In the event that the Purchaser is unable to provide the full amount of the second installment of $250,000 within 12 months after closing, the remainder not paid will be divided between the remaining 48 payments of the repayment term, or until the
total of the second installment of $250,000.00 is paid in full to Seller.”

The most likely scenario is that we will have to sell the property for less than what it is currently listed for, and then whatever is left to pay on the 250k will be divided up and added into the monthly payments. If you have questions about this please don’t hesitate to ask! It’s a big purchase and we want everyone to make an informed decision as we vote. 

The third and final document is a Memorandum of Understanding between us and Rock Family Church. This document simply outlines how our relationship with RFC will generally operate for the next 5 years while they remain on the property. One item to note from this document is that if parking spaces become an issue, then RFC is amenable to changing their service time to make more room for us should the need for more parking arise. 

These documents should give all the necessary information to make a wise and informed vote at our congregational meeting. Please be reminded that all communing members get a vote (and in that parents should shepherd their covenant kids through what is going on), and we only need a simple majority of votes cast to have a positive vote. 

One last item to note would be that we are still waiting on RFC to resolve the dissolution of their corporation in NY and reincorporation in OK. The earliest possible completion of this sale would at this point be in mid February.

Thank you for faithfully and patiently going through this process. God has blessed us richly and is doing immeasurable more than we could have asked! See y’all Sunday. 

In Christ, 
John D


—Property Next Steps
 Here’s a general overview of how we are proceeding forward.

Phase 1: September 2024 – January 2025
Secured first half of down payment ($250k) through congregational giving of $60k by December 31st
Vote to purchase property at congregational meeting on January 19

Phase 2: February 2025 – February 2026
Secure second half of down payment ($250k) through sale of property and congregational giving by February 2026
Maintain monthly mortgage payment ($3,500)

Phase 3: February 2025 – February 2030
Maintain monthly mortgage payment
Save for final balloon payment in 2030

Phase 4: February 2030
Secure final balloon payment ($413k) through savings, giving, and/or commercial financing 

—Songs for Sunday
Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics!

On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand 
Come Ye Sinners
Psalm 48 (Tune of O Worship The King)
Be Thou My Vision 
Behold Our God
The irreplaceable cornerstone of marriage
Dawkins’s Gender Dilemma 
The Illusion of Freedom in the Digital Age

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