“Christmas is based on an exchange of gifts, the gift of God to man — His unspeakable gift of His Son, and the gift of man to God — when we present our bodies a living sacrifice.” —Rod Rogers |
December 20, 2024 Sacrifice is all over the Bible. God established a relationship with his people by initiating a covenantal framework, and then graciously gave Israel the sacrificial system so that they might worship and renew that covenantal commitment over and over again. Often times modern evangelicals think about the sacrificial system found in the Old Covenant as a legalistic and oppressive framework in which God’s people laboriously pursued staying in God’s good graces and earned his favor. But rather, we should think about the gracious provision that God makes for his people to cover sin, deal with transgression, and ultimately be pointed towards the promised Messiah, Jesus. This Jesus is the fullest and final sacrifice in order to deal with sin and reconcile a sinful people to a holy God. After all, if the blood of bulls and goats actually dealt with sin, then Jesus would be unnecessary. As it stands our sin is so great, our Savior needs to be even greater. And in the sacrifice of Jesus we see the full extent of God’s wrath against sin, but also the full depths of God’s mercy towards his people as Jesus died in our place and credited his righteousness to his people by faith. And our response to this atoning life, death, resurrection, and ascension is a life of sacrificial response. There is nothing we could add to the sacrifice of Jesus, no amount of laborious pursuit could add one iota of righteousness to our account. But the apostle Paul commands the followers of Jesus to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” (Rom. 12:1) Normal obedience to the revealed will of God is not necessarily sacrificial. But God in his mercy has blessed his people with all kinds of wonderful gifts, talents, material resources, and opportunities. Much of that is legitimately used to be gainfully employed, provide for families, and enjoy. A life of sacrifice then takes that which could be legitimately used in other ways and chooses to offer it back to God as a response of thanksgiving to the overwhelming grace of God. This means that in our lives we should seek out opportunities to give back to God more and more of that which he has blessed us with. Be it time, talent, or tangible monetary value we might otherwise use to live. But out of response to the great sacrifice of Christ, we can pursue sacrificial living. Prayer Schedule For the week of December 22, mediate on the sacrifice of Jesus and a life of sacrificial response. Read and meditate on Psalm 51 Ask the Spirit to give you a broken and contrite heart Meditate on the sinfulness of your own sin, and the necessity of the atonement Pray that you would have more and more understanding of the incarnation of Jesus that lead to the cross Ask for eyes to see what you have to give — time, talents, money, encouragement Ask the Spirit to show you opportunities to be a living sacrifice Pray for our church, that we might walk in love, as Christ loved us, and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Eph. 5:2) Pray that through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. (Heb. 13:15) Thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ, and what our God is doing in and among you! In Christ, John D |
—Lessons and Carols December 22 We will be celebrating an evening of Lessons and Carols at Rock Family Church on Sunday, December 22 from 5:30-7:30. There will be Scripture readings, Christmas hymn singing, and wonderful fellowship. We would ask everyone to bring some kind of appetizer or dessert to share. Please contact Tina if you have any questions! —Property Update We have very nearly achieved our phase 1 goal of raising an additional $60k to put an initial $250k for a down payment! God is faithful and you have been so generous. Here’s a general overview of how we are proceeding forward. Phase 1: September 2024 – January 2025 Secure first half of down payment ($250k) through congregational giving of $60k by December 31st Vote to purchase property at congregational meeting in January Phase 2: February 2025 – February 2026 Secure second half of down payment ($250k) through sale of property and congregational giving by February 2025 Maintain monthly mortgage payment ($3,500) Phase 3: February 2026 – February 2029 Maintain monthly mortgage payment Save for final balloon payment in 2029 Phase 4: February 2029 Secure final balloon payment ($413k) through savings, giving, and/or commercial financing —Songs for Sunday Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics! How Firm A Foundation Praise To The Lord Psalm 31 (O Come, O Come Emmanuel) What Wondrous Love Is This The Church’s One Foundation |
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