“Behavior modification that’s not empowered by God’s heart-changing grace is self-righteousness, as repugnant to God as the worst sins people gossip about.” —Randy Alcorn |
September 20, 2024 “A Christian finds satisfaction in every circumstance by getting strength from another, by going out of himself to Jesus Christ, by his faith acting upon Christ and bringing the strength of Jesus Christ into his own soul, he is thereby enabled to bear whatever God lays on him, by the strength that he finds from Jesus Christ. Of His fullness do we receive grace for grace; there is strength in Christ not only to sanctify and save us, but strength to support us under our burdens and afflictions, and Christ expects that when we are under any burden, we should act our faith upon Him to draw virtue and strength from Him.” –Jeremiah Burroughs “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” In Christ, John D |
—Prayer/Fellowship Groups It has been a busy fall in the life of our church, particularly as we’ve been prayerfully considering to sell our property and potentially purchase a new one. This process has created some additional shepherding/administrative work that has kept us from offering study groups as we had in the spring. In light of this current season we would like to organize prayer and fellowship groups for Mercy for the fall semester. These groups would serve to create opportunities for people to get more relationally connected and engaged in the life of Mercy, as well as to continue laboring in prayer as a church family — particularly about selling our property and purchasing a building. What we would like to see is 2-3 households getting together, eating some food, and praying for each other and our church. These groups would commit to meeting together at least 3 weeks in a row, and then at the end of 3 weeks we would reshuffle the groups so there would be a mix of relational dynamics throughout out church body. The food options could be as in depth (a full meal) or as minimal (simple snacks or hors d’oeuvres) as each host family determines. If you are interested in participating or hosting please email the Session and we’ll help get you plugged in. —Feedback from Sunday’s Open House If you were able to attend our Open House evening worship service at Rock Family Church last weekend we would love to hear your feedback. Please take some time to either email the Trustees or personally get in touch with one of them and let your thoughts be known. We’d like to make sure that everyone in our congregation is heard and encouraged through this process! —Songs for Sunday Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics! On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand It Is Well With My Soul Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted Rock of Ages Amazing Grace–Psalm 23 medley |
These are some links that I have read recently that I enjoyed, found helpful, made me think, or otherwise did good for my soul/heart/mind.
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