Two important announcements for Sunday

“Autonomous Christianity never works, because our spiritual life was designed by God to be a community project.” 
—Paul Tripp

September 6, 2024

We are continuing to prayerfully and humbly move forward with potentially purchasing a building — and to that end here are two important announcements regarding where we are at. As always, we want to be moving as the Spirit leads us, not running out in front nor lagging behind. Please continue praying for this process as we consider what God’s will might be for our church! 

See y’all on Sunday!

In Christ, 
John D


— Congregational Meeting Announcement for 9/15
Today the session voted to call a congregational meeting on Sunday, September 15 immediately following the worship service. The purpose of this meeting will be to “to call a congregational meeting on September 15 to clarify the scope of duties of Trustees that are required to sell the current property, manage funds from the sale, and proceed toward purchase of new property.  It is understood that a congregational vote is still required to take final action prior to any sale or purchase.”

We want to walk humbly and faithfully as the leadership of the church with the congregation and clearly communicate what is happening with the property sale and potential purchase. We also want engage in this process in such a way that we are being overly explicit about who is doing what and why things are being done so that there is transparency about the process so as to be shepherds and inform the congregation.

Please note that this meeting will be after church, and while it should not take as much time as our previous meeting, it might be beneficial for families with children to plan ahead for snacks. Also, given that we will be meeting again on that same Sunday evening, we will endeavor to keep the meeting exceedingly streamlined. 

—Open House at new facility on 9/15 
In order to help our church prayerfully consider the potential purchase of a future property we are going to hold an open house on site on Sunday, September 15 from 5:30-7pm. We will sing some songs, pray, and I will preach a brief sermon in the sanctuary of the building and there will be refreshments to follow. If anyone is willing and able to help with snacks and/or refreshments next week please let me know! If you need directions, please reply via the website contact page or ask an officer.

—Men’s Study Group
Mercy men are invited to participate in a weekly study of RC Sproul’s 12 week teaching series “Willing to Believe” on the topic of free will and God’s sovereignty.  The study will be a 25 minute didactic video followed by discussion. It will begin Thursday evening Sept 5 at 6:30 pm, with the first session held at the Riedel home. There will be opportunities for others to host and also to facilitate sessions.

See this link if you’d like to get a flavor of the series (the first lesson should be unlocked): . There is also a study guide available at Ligonier as paperback hardcopy or PDF download. If you have not already, please let Brian know of your interest for planning purposes via mail at or text to 304-276-1411.

—Songs for Sunday
Here’s what we’re singing this Sunday if you’d like to familiarize yourself with tunes + lyrics!A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Only A Holy God
Holy, Holy, Holy
Jesus With Thy Church Abide
Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery

These are some links that I have read recently that I enjoyed, found helpful, made me think, or otherwise did good for my soul/heart/mind.

John Owen’s Theology of Public Worship
The Marvelous Mundane
Cultural Christianity Is Not Enough

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